Monday, November 9, 2009

Sustainable Consumerism?

I was just reading this advertising agency’s stance on sustainability and I got a bit riled up…cos I think its a joke that an advertising agency can claim to be interested in sustainability when it simply contradicts their actual purpose in our culture...which is to make consumers buy more stuff. Tell me if Im wrong below:

Like many companies and corporations these days, this particular advertising agency harps on about the importance of sustainability and the environment, saying things like: “…AJF Partnership has a particular duty of care to the Australian environment, aswell as to the global environment. We treat this stewardship very seriously”…and loads more stuff about how they truly value their role in contributing to it all.

Their sustainability stance is this:

My Questions are:
1) How can they be truly serious about sustainability, when their specific purpose is to encourage and promote massive consumerism? (ie making ads that tell people to buy more cars etc)

2) Can you be truly interested in sustainability when you are a massive cog in the machine of consumerism? I don’t believe so. (Sustainable consumerism is an oxymoron isn’t it?)

3) They preach sustainability and environmental concern - yet they actively contribute to the cause of the problem. (Am I wrong here?)

4) Some companies just use the terms “sustainable” and “green” and “environmentally friendly” as a marketing technique, so that people feel more comfortable to buy their products and services, when in fact they withhold information about their company practices that do not align with these “marketable terms”.

I am not against Sustainability or Environmental Concern. I am just concerned that there are many companies that pretend to be interested in these important issues, so they can feel better about themselves and turn a blind eye to the real damage they do to the environment, and so we as consumers also feel good when we use their products and services.

An ADVERTISING agency contributing to the sustainability of the environment? Seriously?
What do you reckon?